Miracle Morning

Would you be willing to wake up early to see miraculous changes in your life? Hal Elrod has written The Miracle Morning and promises just that!

Years ago I was into “bujos”. It’s a system of bullet journaling. I came across the concept while browsing through Pinterest. I have always loved goals and feeling focused. I saw several people with graphs in their “bujo” that tracked their different goals as they strived to live a level-10 life. I loved the idea of this. After a few years I wondered where did the level 10 concept originate from? As I explored more I came across The Miracle Morning. I ordered the book and loved it!

Have you ever tried to improve your life?

What sort of activities for improvement do you usually hear about? Meditation? journaling? Reading inspirational educational books? Exercising? Affirmations? Vision boards?

Yup!!! Most of us have heard of at least some of these. Hal encourages us to do ALL of these, preferably first thing in the morning. Miracle Morning

cover of book by Hal Elrod Miracle Morning
Hal Elrod Miracle Morning

Hal calls these SAVERS S-Silence A-Affirmations V-Vision E-Exercise R-Reading S-Scripting 

Here’s my experience with SAVERS:

I started doing SAVERS in 2020. Over the last few years, it has been hit and miss. In the beginning, the results were astounding! I had so much success in just about every area. Over the next few years, I tried to keep up with it. Somedays I did and sometimes I didn’t. I started back this year in January. I did it most days but some days I wouldn’t finish my SAVERS until late afternoon. In February I tried again to get up early and again it was hit and miss. But in March I recommitted to wake up for an early morning routine. Now I am up at 4:15 am and am amazed at the difference in my life. And miracles? YES! So many!

S-Silence For the silence category, I consider this the “spiritual” category. I spend 15 minutes in the morning in a silent meditation. The idea is to clear your mind of thoughts. First thing in the morning I head up to my “Fairy Room.” I light a candle and sit cross-legged on my twin bed. At 4:30 am it’s still pretty dark and quiet. There are lots of good meditation apps out there and books that can teach you how to meditate. A basic technique that I use is to sit quietly, clear your mind, and focus on your breathing. Meditation is known for lowering blood pressure and connecting you to a higher power, which also aids in awakening your intuition and helping you to feel calmer throughout the day. I am a follower of Abraham-Hicks. The attached link is Esther Hicks walking you through a how-to guided meditation. Abraham-Hicks guided meditation.

Quilt in fairy room and morning journals
Fairy room “bed couch”. Quilt made by my sister-in-law Chris Bell
Burning candle for meditation. Woman sitting on a moon ceramic
Meditation candle (Fairy and moon painted by Skylynn Vilt)

A-Affirmations Writing affirmations is a form of placing yourself into the positive life you seek. When writing affirmations, it is best to use words that are present tense. For example, instead of “I am planning to be strong and healthy.” That sentence puts it in the future. A better sentence would be “I am strong and healthy!”

As I worked through my level 10 goals, I created an affirmation for all 12 categories. I repeat these often every morning. The funny thing about affirmations is that as you are repeating these sentences out loud, you can feel the power and giddiness. I know in my heart that my statements are absolutely true, even if the material aspect of it has yet to manifest.

List of Angelina's affirmations for 2024
Angelina’s Affirmations for 2024

V-Visualization I created a vision board earlier in the year to help me visualize the life I am meant to live. (Click on the highlighted “vision board” link to see the vision board blog)

2024 vision board with 12 categories
Angelina’s 2024 vision board

There are many ways to do the visualization technique. I have also created index cards.

2024 vision cards
Vision cards 2024

An example of my vision work: I have a hot pink swimsuit in size small sitting in my dressing room. I see it every day and I know for sure that I will be wearing that swimsuit by late summer. For my health category, I see myself at my ideal weight. It is good practice to close your eyes and see it unfold in your mind as if it were already happening. I can easily see myself wearing my little black dress sitting with Molly, Jeff, and Amy in the cutest little Italian bistro in Florence, Italy sipping a glass of local wine and eating wonderful local cuisine on my birthday in October.

E-Exercise There are so many good sources these days on YouTube for every exercise imaginable. Many of them are free. One form of exercise that many of us enjoy is a lovely walk outdoors. Whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour it is so nice to connect with nature. I have developed a workout routine that works for me. Ideally, we are told to include cardio, strength training, and stretching. My current routine encompasses all 3 of these. Daily yoga with Adriene you can find her calendar on the linked website, then check YouTube for her actual videos, 5 lb. hand weights for strength training routines 2 X a week, Abs 3 X a week, and 5 days a week walking and biking. The whole reason we do these exercises is to be strong and flexible so we can enjoy a fun bike ride, a challenging hike, or a day at the lake. Someday I would love to include tai chi and Pilates. In the summer I will definitely be swimming almost daily.

R-Reading I keep 4 books going at all times. At night I enjoy fiction before going to bed. On my exercise bike, I like something stimulating but educational, I love fast-paced audio novels for my hour walks. But for my morning reading, I like something more along the lines of spiritual or self-awareness. I really enjoyed Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, Atomic Habits by James Clear, and currently The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I read this years ago and just reread it in February. It is a wonderful book that is very healing, inspirational and filled with beautiful artwork.

Heal your life book by Louise Hay
Louise Hay Heal your Life

S-Scribing I usually write in 3 different journals in the morning. One is a prompt list for the month such as “What are 3 of your best strengths, and What is your dream vacation?”. Another journal for free-flow writing. I have a rule that I can write one sentence or pages of writing. I don’t limit myself. And my 3rd journal is a gratitude journal. I got this one on Amazon. Gratitude Journal

White gratitude journal
Gratitude Journal

What have I manifested since doing the SAVERS?

Our dream home “The Magic House” (I will be blogging about this at a future date). This photo is what it looked like when we bought it. I will be sharing all our updates in a future post in May.

The Magic house
The Magic House

A successful Airbnb that we sold in 2023 that had a 5-star rating the whole time we ran it.

Losing weight!


Dream gardens

Friends! I have not really been the kind of person that had a lot of friends. But I did have social/friends on my vision board. One day I was walking with Hannah and stopped to count just how many friends I currently have. “Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed, “I have friends!” It was so intriguing, then I made the connection…It’s on my vision board!

Plenty of money for all our needs and desires.

Close relationship with family

Visit to see all our grandchildren and children in 2023

And I am a blogger!!!

If you could wave a magic wand and have your dream life come true, what would it look like? Start dreaming. Would it be worth it to you to get up 30-60 minutes early to see this become a reality? Only you know the answer to that. But…if you get started today what will your life look like at the end of 2024?

There is magic in setting your focus. It seems that the universe delights in making our dreams come true.

Some questions for you:

1-What does Silence/Spirituality mean to you? Have you meditated in the past? Do you enjoy prayer work? What do you currently do in this category? Is there something that would be meaningful to you to add to your daily routine?

2-What does your self-talk look like? Are you your number one fan? Words of kindness spoken to others can be very healing, likewise kind self-talk is beneficial. Do you speak in positive sentences? Do you have a positive trusting attitude? I always say you might not be able to trust others or situations around you, but I believe you can always trust the universe/God/Goddess that all things are happening for your benefit. Try using some affirmations and see how miracles can unfold. Sometimes nothing changes but your attitude and that can be a miracle in itself!

3-The life you dream of? Sometimes people say, “I want it so bad I can just taste it!” Can you “taste” it? See it in your mind’s eye as if it is already manifested. It’s fascinating how your outer world will start matching your inner world.

4Exercise, you know you should! Do you? If yes, good for you! If no, what tiny step can you take to fulfill this beneficial category? Sometimes it helps to put your shoes by the door, your workout clothes by the bed, a friend to join you. Find what feels right for you but do try to incorporate a little more movement into your days. It is so good for your mind as well as your body.

5-Have you heard people talking about that great book that you just have to read? Maybe you actually went out and bought it? Maybe you are like me and bought lots of those books. How exciting! Imagine carving out 10 minutes of your day to start reading one of these treasures. I set my timer and read for 25 minutes every morning. It’s astonishing how many books I have read already this year. 

6-Do you have a “monkey mind”? So much to do and your mind is in constant motion? Journaling can be a great place to dump all those random thoughts. Maybe there is a thought in there that is inspiring but so tangled with all the other thoughts that they make no sense. Quieting your mind and writing words down can be very therapeutic. I will often write down my goals or ideas that I want to incorporate in my life.

And lastly…Be kind, take your time, there is no hurry. This is your life, no judgement, move as fast or as slow or not at all. It is all up to you. But I can assure you from experience, living a life on purpose is sooooo much more fun!

Good Luck! Give Miracle Morning a try and let me know what you think! As always I appreciate any comments and suggestions you can leave below.

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