April 2024 Level 10 Goals
April is one of the best times of the year for new beginnings. With springtime blossoms popping out, lovely tulips and daffodils, the whole energy of spring is about renewal and growth. What would you love to accomplish this year, this month? Let’s get started together! Below are my level 10 categories and what I will be accomplishing this month.
1-Health: lose 4 pounds. Weigh 163. Plan to eat foods that my body loves that are nourishing and energizing. I have started keeping track of what foods seem to vibe well with me, and which ones not so much. I know that I do really well with fresh fruits and vegetables. Animal products are a bit iffy for me. I don’t use much dairy but I am thinking I may want to experiment with eliminating more animal products this month.
2-Exercise: 60-minute walks 5 X a week. Stationary bike ride 15 minutes 5 X a week. 2 outdoor bike rides with Molly. 1 hike. Weight program 2 X a week, abs 3 X a week, and Adriene YouTube yoga daily. link I would also like to schedule 2 days a week off of cardio. I feel like the rest days will help me to be stronger on the other days.
3-Home: Organize and clean all rooms on the second floor: master bedroom and bath, my dressing room, craft room, Skylynn’s room, guest room, sleeping porch, Skylynn’s bathroom, and the hallway closet.
4-Income: Earn $100 through my Etsy store Lil Dragonfly Kisses link , or through a local venue. I have found that the Level 10 way of living has brought many miracles into my life. By sending out intentions it’s amazing what a person can manifest. I was writing out my April goals and wrote down that I wanted to find a venue for selling my crafts. As I was looking online for local events I noticed that there was a yarn love group at the library that meets up on Mondays from 4-6. This sounded like a perfect place to start. I attended on Monday and was given a list of resources to contact locally to sell my wares. My goal for April is to contact a local crafters venue to discuss what I could show at their place of business.
5-Love: Hike and picnic with Molly. And the opera date on April 9th, Romeo and Juliet. Read the 5 languages of love.

Molly and I have a very happy marriage. I have been familiar with this book for a long time but have never read it. I will for April.
6-Money: We did our taxes in February and were dismayed to find that we owed taxes this year. After much discussion of how we were going to pay them, Molly and I finally came up with a course of action. It has been deeply beneficial to have started a money awareness these last few months. Goal for April: pay off taxes, continue to find cost savings, and stay within our spending plan. I also ordered a book that I had read years and years ago that was very helpful. We have been very blessed to not have any debts other than a small mortgage. I ordered this from thrift books. I always appreciate insights and awareness for money management. Additional good books are those by Dave Ramsey and Napoleon Hill.

Another book that was extremely helpful is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
7-Family: Take dinner over to the kids. This month Chicken and Dumplings, steamed asparagus, and a chocolate peanut butter pie.
8-Social: BFF Dave, coming for a 4-day visit end of April. Lula Mae and I will visit the local hospice facility at least twice this month. Celebrate Hannah’s birthday with a special retreat.
9-Spiritual: Meditate daily. Do miracle morning daily.
10-Creative: Keep crocheting the flower blanket pattern that I am designing.
11-Fun: Go back to Bottles for another fun evening of shooting pool and playing ping pong
12-Education: Continue with an hour a day of Duolingo learning Italian. Find someone to speak Italian with. After I wrote this goal I was wondering who I know who speaks Italian. Wouldn’t it be great to find a group? As the universe works to help us accomplish our goals, I was totally delighted at the yarn group to have one of the women mention that they have been learning Italian for 5 years and she did belong to a group that speaks Italian. I am crossing my fingers that I will be allowed to attend group functions even if I am a beginner. But Sharon did promise that we would get together either way. Goal for April, spend at least one day with Sharon practicing Italian.
Blogging: One of my first goals was to go live with 10 posts. This April post is my 10th post!!! In April, I aim to do 6 posts, learn more about SEO, and understand and implement affiliate marketing. Even though I post a lot of links, I do not (yet) receive any type of commission.
What would you like to achieve in April? Tip…start with baby steps. Maybe you choose 2 or 3 areas of your life that you would like to improve. Define your goals for the year and break them down into doable monthly steps. You can do it!
Quarterly Level 10 graph update

I made great progress in my first quarter. I am looking at the other categories and asking myself what it would take to get to level 10 in all categories. Using this information I then came up with goals for the current month of April.
Looking forward to seeing your goals, comments, and achievements below!
Grab your PDF To Do weekly Level 10 action plan here. Both with categories and blanks
I can’t wait for the chicken and dumplings!! I love your blog and keep up the good work!
Thanks, sweet baby girl! I always appreciate your support and comments!