How to Create a Dreams Come True Vision Board
A Vision board can be a very powerful tool to help you manifest your dreams and desires. In this post I will cover exactly how to create your own personal vision board so you too can manifest all your hearts desires.
Creating a vision board is simple and fun. Anyone can do it.
The end result will be a “Treasure map” that will make your heart sing with images of all the glorious things headed your way.
Table of Contents

Materials and Tools needed
There are many systems for creating a personalized vision board. I have recently used index cards with success. But every year I like to create a new board using a standard sized poster board. You will need scissors, magazines, stickers, glue sticks, catalogs, pictures you have printed out from Pinterest, photos or anything else that will make your board special. I recently purchased this book of pictures to cut out from Amazon. It is also fun to have scrapbook paper or even colorful pages from magazines that you can use as a background.
Step one:
Spend some time day dreaming about your ideal life. I personally like to break my categories into 12 segments. My list includes these categories: Health, Fitness, Romance, Home, Income, Money, Family, Social, Spiritual, Creative, Fun, and Education. Your list can be as many as you like. I like to take a pencil and paper and start writing down specific goals pertaining to each of these 12 categories.
Here is what my list looks like:
- Health-reach my goal weight of 142 by September 1st
- Fitness-Train for a 30 mile adventure bike ride this Fall with my wife
- Romance-Go on a Romantic vacation to Italy in October
- Home-Organize every nook and cranny. Focus on fabulous Spring and Summer gardens. Have our woodburning fireplace up and running by Thanksgiving.
- Income-Produce income through fun hobbies, crocheting, blogging, sewing etc. Earn $100,000
- Money-Invest. Have $15,000 in our emergency savings
- Family-Have monthly dinners and game nights together.
- Social-Fun with friends. Also giving back to the community by training our black lab to be certified as a therapy dog.
- Spiritual-Meditate daily. Monthly retreats at our home for our manifesting group
- Creative-Have fun sewing, crocheting and writing.
- Fun-Puzzles, games, FOOD, reading. (I am also including Italy in this category, cuz how fun is that!)
- Education-Learn to be a successful blogger. Learn Italian
Step Two:
What did you come up with? A wonderful new relationship? New career? New Home? The car you have always dreamed of owning?
Now that you know what you want, it’s time to start creating. Start cutting out pictures that represent what you dream of. Key words and phrases are also fun to add. Once you have a pile of photos it’s time to start putting it all together.
Your board is unique just like you. Do not worry about getting it to be perfect.
Step Three:
I personally like to divide my board into my 12 categories. For my currrent 2024 board I found a cute poster board at Walmart that had a rainbow border. I sorted through my pile of scrapbook paper and found colors and designs that I found appealing. I measured how big my squares needed to be. for me, they were 6″ X 6″. At this point I dont worry too much about color segments as much as I do on the ‘spark’ I feel from each piece of paper. I then arrange them on my poster board in a color pattern that feels right to me. Sometimes it’s helpful to take a picture at this point and leave it till the next day. After doing this I decided to swap some of the color squares. I now start gluing my backgrounds to each square. (Note some of my backgrounds were cut up pages from past happy planners). Once everything is glued down, it’s now time to start arranging your photos and words in their corresponding squares. I like to place everything before gluing the whole board to make sure it reflects the vibe I am after.
Some special tips you may find helpful:
You absolutely do not need any categories. This is your board. You can put one photo or many photos. It can be in specific squares like mine or it can be a beautiful wacky collage of everything overlapping and mixed together. It can be on index cards, it can be on notebook paper. The important thing is to make it yours.
How to know if you got it “right’? How does it make you feel? It should bring joy to your heart seeing all the wonderful things headed your way.
Sample boards:

I have been using vision boards for many many years and have first hand seen the wondrous miracles unfold into my life as if they jumped right off of my board and into my life. Most recently in 2023 we were able to purchase our beautiful 5,000 square foot “Magic House”.
In Conclusion:
I have been using vision boards for many many years and have first hand seen the wondrous miracles unfold into my life as if they jumped right off of my board and into my life. Most recently in 2023 we were able to purchase our beautiful 5,000 square foot “Magic House”.

Your vision board will take approximately 2-8 hours. That small investment in time will focus magnificent energy fields into production to make sure that you too have the life you have always dreamed of. What are you waiting for? Start daydreaming today and manifesting your dreams into a reality!
Have you used vision boards in the past? What were your results? I would love to see pictures of your boards or comments on what has worked for you. Please leave me a comment below!
A final side note…My wife just booked our tickets to ITALY!!!
I love all the colorfulness. And the steps to create is very detailed. Perfection!
Thanks Robin! I appreciate your sweet comments!